Golden Mean- Sacred Geometry
The Golden Mean Spiral consists of an equilateral triangle (all three sides are equal in length
and internal angles are equal as well) and with a spiral starting in the central point, that runs
through the triangle and beyond. The Equilateral triangle represents balance, stability, and
harmony. Great things come in threes: the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth; Father, Son and
Holy Spirit; God, Man, and World; Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss; Body, Mind Spirit; you, me
and our shared reality; father, mother, and child; and luck: third times a charm.
The triangle was used in ancient civilizations as a symbol of the Deity. For Egyptians, it was the
trowel, as well as for the Masonry, to spread the cement which binds all the parts of the
building into one common mass. On the symbolic level, Free Masons are taught to spread the
cement of affection and kindness, which unites all the members of the Masonic
family worldwide, into one companionship of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
This Golden Mean Spiral comes out of the Golden Ratio which is made from connecting the
diagonals of rectangles based on the Fibonacci Ratio 1,1,2,3,5,8,13, 21… Our Milky
Way Galaxy follows the golden spiral path as does the nautilus, pinecone, sunflower, inside of
our ear, fingerprints, hurricanes, and tornadoes.
The Golden Mean Spiral also represents a liberated circle…as one breaks free of the repeated
patterns in one’s life one will evolve into higher and wider levels of being and expression.

The Golden Mean Spiral message is: “Become All You Can Become.” While
keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground, while here on Earth, through the
spiraling of your consciousness, you may reach the stars!